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Result of your search for "espai singular"

Suggestions 40 - 50 from98
  • Parc del Laberint

    Parc del Laberint

    The green jewel of the Horta and Guinardó district. Designed in 1792 by the Italian engineer Domenico Bagutti, this is Barcelona's oldest garden.

  • The former factories of Can Ricart and Can Felipa

    The former factories of Can Ricart and Can Felipa

    The industrial architecture in Poblenou has been put to new uses adapted to the needs of today. Many of the old factories that people can find in Barcelona have been remodelled in order to house new activities. This is the case of Can Felipa and Can Ricart.

  • Mirador de Colom

    Mirador de Colom

    The Columbus Monument, stands at the end of Barcelona's Rambla, near the sea. Take the lift inside the column to the viewing gallery at the top, 60 metres above the ground.

  • Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    An open-air museum comprising full-scale replicas of 117 buildings from different parts of Spain.

  • MUHBA Museu d'Història de Barcelona Temple d'August

    MUHBA Museu d'Història de Barcelona Temple d'August

    As you explore Barcelona's Gothic Quarter you'll come across one of the city's best-kept secrets in a building on Carrer Paradís. Inside a small medieval courtyard, the four columns from the Temple of Augustus have survived despite the passing of the centuries. They are more than 2,000 years old, like Barcelona itself.

  • Casa Calvet

    Casa Calvet

    The Casa Calvet de Barcelona (1899) is one of Antoni Gaudí's earliest buildings. Some people consider it his most conservative work but it also contains markedly modernista elements, such as the façade which terminates in a curve and the attic balconies, which look like something from a fairy tale.

  • Palau de la Generalitat

    Palau de la Generalitat

    The Palau de la Generalitat in Barcelona is the seat of the Catalan government. The Palau has pure Gothic, flamboyant Gothic, Renaissance and baroque elements behind the neoclassical façade.

  • Mount Montserrat

    Mount Montserrat

    Located 60 kilometres outside Barcelona, the peculiar shape of massif has earned it the name Montserrat, or “sawtooth mountain”.

  • Sant Miquel del Fai

    Sant Miquel del Fai

    A visit of mystical beauty to the only Romanesque chapel in Catalonia built inside a grotto just 50 kilometres from Barcelona.

  • Terrassa


    The town hosts a prestigious international jazz festival and is home to buildings by some of the most famous modernista architects. Just 28 kilometres away.

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