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Result of your search for "concerts"

Suggestions 60 - 70 from73
  • Agenda


  • Barcelona at night

    Barcelona at night

  • Gran Teatre del Liceu

    Gran Teatre del Liceu

    A unique cultural facility in Barcelona and one of Europe’s leading opera houses. Located on the Rambla, every year it hosts major opera and ballet productions and symphony concerts.

  • L'Auditori de Barcelona

    L'Auditori de Barcelona

    L'Auditori, one of Barcelona's premier music venues, was designed by Rafael Moneo, one of the world's most renowned architects.

  • Palau de la Música Catalana

    Palau de la Música Catalana

    This concert hall in Barcelona, which is a designated UNESCO World Heritage Site, is an artistic landmark of outstanding beauty and a highly prestigious music venue.

  • La Farinera del Clot

    The former Farinera del Clot stands on one side of the Plaça de les Glòries, and its new facilities have been open since 1995. Long gone is the industrial past of an aesthetically elegant building which combines the characteristic elements of the original mill with contemporary structures.

  • Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    Poble Espanyol de Barcelona

    An open-air museum comprising full-scale replicas of 117 buildings from different parts of Spain.

  • Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys

    Estadi Olímpic Lluís Companys

    The Lluís Companys Olympic Stadium was built for the 1929 International Exhibition. It was refurbished for the 1992 Olympic Games and currently hosts large-scale sporting competitions and concerts.

  • Palau Sant Jordi

    Palau Sant Jordi

    One of the buildings that heralded the city's entry into the contemporary era was the Palau Sant Jordi, a large, covered sports complex used for all kinds of sporting, recreational and cultural events.

  • Plaça Reial

    Plaça Reial

    This square is so beautiful, it's no wonder it was named "royal" (reial Catalan for royal). The elegant ambiance of the Plaça Reial is accentuated by the fountain, streetlamps and palm trees, and it is one of Barcelona's busiest, most vibrant spots, particularly at night. This is Barcelona's best-loved porticoed square.

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